How to create a LinkedIn company page?

March 27 2021

Have you created a LinkedIn company page yet?
Do you know what importance it has for your business?

LinkedIn company pages are created to provide your business with a point of direct contact with your target audience.

Below is a step-by-step guide as to how to create a business page on LinkedIn:

① You need a personal Linkedin profile.
② Click on the Work icon on your LinkedIn homepage in the right-hand corner.
③ Select Create a Company Page.
④ You will need to choose what kind of business you are – small, extensive, educational etc.
⑤ Provide information on your page’s company, identity, and profile – Name, Public URL, Website, Industry, Company Size, Company Type, Company Logo, Tagline.
⑥ You need to confirm you have the right to act on behalf of the company.
⑦ Then click on ‘select create page’.
⑧ The last step will lead you to the Admin View dashboard of your brand new company page, where you can make page changes.

We can help you to optimise your page on LinkedIn; give us a call.

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